“A life’s a life and no matter how small it is she needed to be saved. My pain wasn’t comparable to what she was in,” said Kelsey. At just 18-years-old, she had not only saved an animal’s life, she had learned how to become a mother, too. However, the inseparable duo’s story was far from over…
“She knows me as food but she knows Kelsey as love,” Cara said. After seeing the incredible bond between her teenage daughter and her rescued baby, and witnessing Sunny’s transformation, Cara knew she had to let the horse stay for good.
Each day after, Sunny continued to grow stronger and Kelsey started to feel like she had found her calling in rescuing and rehabilitating other hopeless, helpless animals. Soon enough, friends and neighbors caught wind of the duo’s story and Kelsey found herself all over the news… and the internet!
Kelsey’s heroic story quickly went viral and following Sunny’s incredible rescue and rehabilitation, their amazing bond has just grown stronger. Today, Kelsey is all grown up, living in Missouri, and working as a press operator. The 25-year-old may not be able to spend as much time with her most prized horse as she used to, but she still makes plenty of time for rides with friends.
These days, Kelsey looks back on her experience with great pride. Yet even though the loving teen undoubtedly saved Sunny from a life of misery and abuse, she doesn’t want to be called the horse’s hero. “It’s the other way around really. I think she’s a little angel. We were on that road for a reason and I think it’s to get this horse.”