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Hilarious Windshield Notes You Just Have to See

#56. Nature VS Nurture

This person had the decency to leave behind a “head’s up” note and it’s the most hilarious thing we’ve ever read.

#57. No Offense But...

Again, this is the kind of note that no one really wants to get. And for good reason. White vans are just too creepy.

#58. No Ticket Please

We don’t think this plea actually worked but hey, good try! It’s better to ask isn’t it? Never know til you try.

#59. Parking Award

Let’s just say that the fact there are balloons inside of the car, make this note seem insanely creepy.

#60. Parking Pig

Ouch, getting a note calling you a pig just doesn’t resonate well. But come on, you do have to be a tad considerate of others!


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