Even the rich and famous had a prom once upon a time and it is safe to say they looked rather different before they gained their celebrity status’.
#1. LeBron James
LeBron James and, his now wife, Savannah Brinson were high school sweethearts! They attended prom while she was five months pregnant with their first child, LeBron Jr.
#2. Halle Berry
The Cleveland cheerleading captain was accused of cheating to win 1984 prom queen. “It took me a long time to get over it,” she said.
#3. Ru Paul
Even out of his world-famous drag, RuPaul still managed to stand out at his 1983 prom at Northside High in Atlanta.
#4. Beyoncé
No matter what Lyndall Locke ever accomplishes in his life, will it ever be better than going to prom with his high school girlfriend Beyoncé.
#5. Danielle Fishel
Danielle showing off her hot pins, going to prom with none other than Nsync’s Lance Bass!