In the late 1970s, Christie Brinkley gained international fame, after landing herself spots on three separate covers of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. She also became the face of Covergirl for a quarter of a decade, making her the longest contracted model for a cosmetics brand. At the ripe age of 63, Christie appeared, yet again, in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition alongside with her two daughters. All in all, it seems that she hasn’t aged a day since her very first modeling shoot.
Charlene Tilton is a famous actress and singer. Because of this, she is able to capture the hearts of all viewers. She plays the role of Lucy Ewing in 1980 for Dallas. After this remarkable history in her life as an actress, the success is flowing smoothly. Today, she is starting a funding campaign for foster care in New York.
Thomas is best known for his leading role as budding author John-Boy Walton in the CBS drama “The Waltons”. For that role, he won an Emmy Award. He also received nominations for one more Emmy Award and two nominations for Golden Globe Awards.
Benton’s modeling career has launched at the age of 16. At 18 years old she already had a job with Playboy to appear on their entertainment show Playboy After Dark. She co-hosted the show together with Hugh Hefner, soon they began dating and had a relationship which lasted for several years. It Was Hefner’s idea that she change her name from Barbara Klein to the more marketable Barbi Benton.