At this point, after just giving birth, Jessica was unable to see her new babies. It was only when she was told she was “never gonna believe how different they look” that she thought she might have some unique kids on her hands.
And, finally, when she saw her newborn sons, she understood all the fuss: her baby boys had come out with very different skin tones from each other. The Normans had joked about it, but one of the boys was born much darker than the other after all.
The couple called their happy and healthy twins Brayden and Cameron. And, unsurprisingly, their proud parents haven’t had any trouble telling the boys apart. As Daunte explained to Fox News in March 2017, “We ain’t gonna have no problem telling these babies apart. We knew exactly who from who from the get go.”
The Normans have now got used to their unusual-looking twins, too, and yet that doesn’t mean they don’t catch the eye of passersby when they go out. “They get attention everywhere they go,” Jessica told Fox News.
Actually, it’s unsurprising that the boys turn heads, because fraternal twins with different skin tones are not a very common occurrence in interracial couples. Indeed, one British doctor estimates that only one in 500 twins are born looking this way.