Buck was undeniably the cutest cast member among the Bundys. Played by a tri-colored Briard named Michael (or Mike), the dog retired and left the show in 1995. His wisecracking canine character was later replaced by a Cocker Spaniel named Lucky, who was possessed with Buch’s reincarnated spirit. Unfortunately, Michael didn’t enjoy much of his retirement as he passed away in May 1996, just less than a year after his final appearance on the show.
Al Bundy is infamous for his notably displeasing personality. Aside from being a slow-witted slob, he gets annoyingly cranky all the time–which admittedly makes good TV. We need to remember though that it stems from his childhood when his alcoholic mother used to treat him poorly. This resulted in Al having a highly pessimistic attitude. We have to commend Ed O’Neill for portraying the character very well.
Jane Lynch first guest starred on Married… with Children in 1994 as the demanding Greta, a hotel guest who physically and sexually harasses Bud in the “Valentine’s Day Massacre” episode. Of course, she became even more famous later on when she starred in Boston Legal, The L Word, Two and a Half Men and, more importantly, as Sue Sylvester on Glee. Lynch has publicly outed herself as gay and is an active supporter of PETA. Since 2013, she has also hosted the NBC game show, Hollywood Game Night, for which she has won two Emmy Awards. The 56-year-old actress is also a new divorcee after her separation from wife Lara Embry was finalized in 2014.
Turns out David Faustino’s character, self-professed rapper Bud Bundy rubbed off on him during those hundreds of episodes of playing him on Married… with Children. Several years after the show ended, Faustino himself became a rapper and went under the stage name, D’Lil. In 1992, he released his own hip-hop album. Quite hard to imagine if you grew up seeing him as Bundy!
Vanna White is just many of the very attractive female stars on Married… with Children. White, who was 36 in 1993, starred as Coco, a ghost from Al Bundy’s past and a self-professed admirer of the latter. However, she first gained fame and became more prominent on television when she first became the “Letter Turner” lady on Wheel of Fortune in 1982. She hasn’t acted since then and has appeared only as herself on TV and film. In 2006, she was honored with her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard. She turns 60 this February 18, 2017.